Application of ArtificiaI Intelligence in daily live and clinic

Scientific Meeting Genootschap

On Tuesday 12 June 2018 you are welcome at the Scientific Meeting of the Genootschap. The theme of the meeting is “Application of ArtificiaI Intelligence in daily life and clinic”

Datum12 juni 2018
Tijd18:00 – 20:00


  • Prof. Dr. Arnold Smeulders (UvA- FNWI)
    Why is a cow a cow and other questions about recognizing ‘ordinary’ images
  • Dr. Henk Marquering (UvA- AMC)
    My friend the computer is doing neuroradiology

Programme and location

You are welcome from 17.30h for coffee, tea, and sandwiches. The lectures will start at 18.00h and end around 19.30h. After the lectures drinks will be served.

The location is the Academic Medical Center (AMC), Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam.

Directions to AMC

Target group

The meeting is open for members of the Genootschap, employees and PhD-students from AMC, FNWI, and ACTA of the University of Amsterdam and employees and PhD-students from the Faculty of Science and VUMC of the Free University Amsterdam.


We would like to ask you to register for this meeting via
