Scientific Meeting Genootschap
On Wednesday 1 February 2017 you are welcome at the Scientific Meeting of the Genootschap. The theme of the meeting is “Climate, Science and Economy”
Datum | 1 februari 2017 |
Tijd | 18:00 – 20:00 |
- prof.dr. Daan Crommelin, CWI & UvA
“Simulating the climate system, from small to large “ - prof.dr. Bob van der Zwaan, ECN & UvA
“Long-term technology diffusion under a 2°C climate change control target “
Programme and location
You are welcome from 17.30h for coffee, tea, and sandwiches. The lectures will start at 18.00h and end around 19.30h. After the lectures drinks will be served.
The location is room C0.110, UvA Faculty of Science, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam.
Target group
The meeting is open for members of the Genootschap, employees and PhD-students from AMC, FNWI, and ACTA of the University of Amsterdam and employees and PhD-students from FALW, FEW and VUMC of the Free University Amsterdam.
We would like to ask you to register for this meeting via
Bob van der Zwaan (ECN & UvA): “Long-term technology diffusion under a 2°C climate change control target “
This presentation provides a perspective on the long-term energy technology diffusion patterns required to reach a stringent climate change target with a maximum average atmospheric temperature increase of 2°C. If the anthropogenic temperature increase is to be limited to 2°C, total CO2 emissions will have to be reduced massively, so as to reach negative values during the second half of the century. Particularly power sector CO2 emissions may have to become negative from around 2050 onwards, according to a cross-model comparison exercise, in order to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors where emissions abatement is more costly. The annual additional capacity deployment intensity for renewables such as solar and wind energy may relatively soon need to be much higher than that recently observed for coal-based power plants. Estimates are given for the aggregated low-carbon energy system cost requirements on the supply side until the middle of the century.
Daan Crommelin (CWI&UvA): “Simulating the climate system, from small to large”
The atmosphere and oceans are systems with physical processes on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The spectrum ranges from planetary-scale patterns and flows, changing over time periods from days (atmosphere) to years and longer (oceans), to processes such as small-scale whirls and turbulence, or convection and cloud formation, and further down. This multiscale character poses major challenges for the simulation of atmospheric and oceanic flows and thus of the climate system as a whole. It is computationally unfeasible to resolve and simulate all relevant scales explicitly, so that simplified representations of physical processes at small/fast scales are often used in numerical simulations. Formulating such representations is a difficult yet important problem, since good representations (or lack thereof) of small-scale processes such as convection, cloud physics and oceanic eddies affect the quality and accuracy of forecasts and climate studies. I will discuss some of the recent ideas and approaches that are pursued to deal with this problem.